
With a population base of over 100,000 people, including 32 elementary schools, 8 Junior High Schools, and 3 High Schools, the need for a thriving and engaging youth centre is very evident. Students today need a place where they can belong and spend time in community with each other outside of the school environment.  In addition to this they need to be equipped for the next step in life and be given guidance on those choices and morals that govern their future.

Success as a city, a community, and in students’ personal lives depends on how effectively they can be helped. Youth Rise is key in making this foundation and impactful.  Excited to see something like this in our neighbourhood.

“Students today need a place where they can belong and spend time in community...”


My name is Sultan Yusefi, and I was once an at risk youth that was positively impacted by the support and social programs offered at Millwoods Assembly. 

I grew up in a dysfunctional home environment where I witnessed the negative impacts of drug abuse, experienced domestic violence, and felt the emotional and financial impact of parental abandonment. Millwoods Assembly provided me with a healthy environment where I could meet with my friends, play my favourite sports, experience large social events, get emotional support, and find a warm meal. My number one role model, Andrew Hansen, has shown nothing but kindness towards me and my family over the years. Knowing the positive impacts of community support from organizations such as Millwoods Assembly, I have gone back to serve as a tutor and leader to at-risk youth at another community youth centre Andrew had started.

The community support gave me the confidence to overcome obstacles in my life. Throughout the past 7 years, I have graduated with a degree from the University of Alberta, found employment with The City of Edmonton, and developed a small business with my life partner. I am excited for what Youth Rise is going to bring for at-risk youth in our city and the bright futures that will form for these kids through the community support.

I am excited for what Youth Rise is going to bring for at-risk youth in our city and the bright futures that will form for these kids…


I am delighted to forward this letter in support of Andrew Hansen’s desire to establish a youth community centre in the Mill Woods area of south Edmonton.I’d like to highlight the importance of this project on a number of grounds. First, as a sociology professor who has taught courses in Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Deviance and Conformity, and Criminology for more than two decades, I can attest to the positive impact of youth centres. Second, as an immigrant, I can testify about the crucial role of youth centres in the integration of immigrants. Third, as a parent and grandparent, I can speak to the importance of engaging children in scholastic, physical, artistic, and other activities—a goal to which the Youth Rise centre is geared.

Since the success of a project is based on more than the project being an excellent idea, I’d like to address one other key issue on which successful projects are based: leadership. Andrew Hansen has a long track record as a gifted leader and champion of youth causes in Edmonton. Apart from paid employment as a youth pastor and as a manager of a youth centre, Andrew has worked closely with Shiloh Youth Ranch and has been involved with organizing youth basketball events. Furthermore, Andrew, who is well known for his congeniality and charisma, has arranged to lead Youth Rise under the auspices of a dedicated board of leaders.

I look forward to the great work that Youth Rise is poised to do. I recommend Andrew Hansen and Youth Rise with much enthusiasm.

I look forward to the great work that Youth Rise is poised to do. I recommend Andrew Hansen and Youth Rise with much enthusiasm.


I would like to express my support for Andrew Hansen and Youth Rise. I have seen firsthand that there are numerous teens in the Mill Woods area that are looking to belong. They want to belong to something bigger than themselves and not feel judged because they aren’t perfect or because they make mistakes. I have seen Andrew and his peers welcome these kids into a place where they can feel safe, have fun, be creative, make new friendships, and also be held accountable to the larger community around them.

I have come to know Andrew and some members of his team over the last year or so and have seen their impact on the kids they interact with. They have a true heart for helping kids and I believe their influence is probably the only positive thing some of these children have in their lives on a weekly basis. Without Andrew and his team they would be left searching to belong and no doubt some would find the wrong influences and ultimately make the wrong choices in life. We need more people like Andrew and his team in this world.

They have a true heart for helping kids and I believe their influence is probably the only positive thing some of these children have in their lives on a weekly basis.


There is a need for the specialized ministry of Youth Rise. Churches and Youth Groups in the city do great work in ministry to “Next Gen.”What I’ve noticed is that there is a handful of specialized outbound youth ministries that reach a subset of youth that the majority of church-based groups don’t. Youth Rise is a classic example of this important niche of ministry. 

What I love is that Youth Rise works hard to subsequently tie the kids in with local churches who continue the discipleship.

What I love is that Youth Rise works hard to subsequently tie the kids in with local churches who continue the discipleship.